On to the Adventure Dives of your Advance Course? Below you'll find the Adventure Dives we can run for you Advance Course

Boat Dive
Haven't had the chance to Dive off a boat, or want to learn about it more in depth? This Adventure Boat Dive will give you all the skills and Information you need to get started on your way to being an experienced Boat Diver
Applicable SDI Specialty

Underwater Photography and Videography
Want to learn how to get those good shots under water? Learn how to get those settings tuned in and learn some trick shots to get those crisp photos to show your friends how big that fish really was
Applicable SDI Specialty

Drift Dive
Feel like every kick you do makes you chew through a few bars worth of air? How about letting the current do the leg work for you. Here you'll learn how to plan your Drift Diving skills, to maximize your dive time, entry and exit strategies
Applicable SDI Specialty

Fish Identification
Curious to find out what that multi-coloured fish is, or want to find out what species of fish are in your local area? This course will help you identify all the fish you come across on your dive

Night - Limited Visability Dive
Want to see the true colours of the under water life, or to see what new kinds of life are doing in the after hours?
The Night Dive Adventure Dive will give you a great introduction on how to navigate your way around in the dark
Applicable SDI Specialty

Peak Performance Buoyancy
You've seen how the experienced divers easily ascend and descend around dive sites, and you're scratching your head trying to figure out the technique.
The Peak Performance Buoyancy Adventure Dive will allow you to have a closer, more in depth look at understanding and controlling your Buoyancy
Applicable SDI Specialty

Marine Ecosystems Awareness / Project AWARE
Interested in what we as Divers can offer for the environment? This course will give you all the thought provoking information on what you and everyone can do for our harbour of life
Applicable SDI Specialty

Wreck Dive
Want to go look at the sunken ships? Sunken planes? The Wreck Dive Adventure Dive will give you an in person experience with history itself
Applicable SDI Specialty

Computer Diving
The SDI Computer Diver Course is designed to expand a diver’s knowledge in the use of their personal dive computer (PDC) and is primarily intended for divers who are certified with agencies using traditional dive tables for planning, rather than PDC’s throughout training
Applicable SDI Specialty

Computer Nitrox Diving
Nitrox is a breathing gas that has a lot of benefits for both new and experienced divers. This course will cover the use of nitrox mixtures from 22 to 40 percent oxygen
Applicable SDI Specialty

Equipment Specialist
This course is designed to give an in-depth look at how dive equipment works. It will cover general repairs and maintenance of various types of exposure suits, BCD’s, regulators, and other accessories
Applicable SDI Specialty

Underwater Hunter and Collector
The purpose of this specialty course is to actively allow the student to engage in the collection of certain marine objects and to demonstrate and explain the necessary rules of underwater hunting. Prudent and conservative techniques of both aspects must be exercised. The SDI Hunter/Collector Diver Course covers the “how-to’s” of hunting and collection of marine life

Diver Propulsion Vehicle
Doing multiple dives a day to try and cover more ground?
If you enjoy exploring dive sites a diver propulsion vehicle might just be for you.
Learn to operate a DPV and how to plan your dive accordingly. Extend your diving range effortlessly!
Applicable SDI Specialty

Search and Recovery
We all know someone who as dropped something in the Ocean whether it be a pair of sun glasses, or a wallet.
The Search & Recovery course is there for those divers wanting to learn the techniques to how to set up for an item retrieval from small to large.
Learn the search patterns and how to operate lift bags to assist with the recovery!
Applicable SDI Specialty

Side Mount Diving
Ever felt that using the standard issue tank on the back doesn't quite fit your diving? Here you can expect to learn how to set up, use and dive with your side mount(s)!
Applicable SDI Specialty

Shore and Beach Diving
Diving from a vessel presents some challenges, however, diving from a shore can also have a lot of hidden challenges.
Here you'll explore those challenges, apply some techniques to over come waves, currents and learn to identify other potential hazards.
Applicable SDI Specialty